watt machsten jezz… (ich mache jetzt nur noch KK*ST .. für nix und niemand;)

Do artists tend to be incapable of forming relationships, vain egomaniacs, and thoughtless eccentrics? Perhaps… I may have a bit of that in me as well – a small artist’s ego that needs nourishment and demands attention. It sometimes makes me feel guilty, but it is there and I cannot „get rid of it“ or forbid it from existing… I can more easily forgive artists or scientists for occasionally being ego-driven creatures… if the output is positively impactful. But who can decide, know what is good or bad (for whom?), „for the whole“? Often, it is in the quieter and more niche spaces where truly innovative, original, and good things emerge. Besides the artist’s ego, there is also the rudimentary survival ego and the altruistic devotee, the spiritual side – sometimes conflicting inner forces. Hence, this photo: Sometimes: Torn between different aspects.

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